Voice surgery (Phonosurgery), involves procedures aimed at improving or enhancing human voice. Since it is performed through the mouth with the assistance of surgical microscopes, these procedures are also referred to as "phonomicrosurgery" (Phono (Voice) + Micro (Under the microscope) + Surgery).
When is it performed?
· If lesions detected on the vocal cords do not improve with voice rest, medication, or voice therapy.
· In cases where a lesion raising suspicion of vocal cord cancer is detected.
Lesions treated with phonosurgery include:
· Vocal cord polyp
· Vocal cord cyst
· False vocal cord cyst (pseudocyst)
· Vocal cord granuloma
· Vascular lesions of the vocal cords
· Vocal cord papillomatosis
· Vocal cord leukoplakia (white lesion on the vocal cord)
· Early-stage tumors of the vocal cord
All types of voice surgery are performed with high success by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Erhan Demirhan.
Please contact us for more details.